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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8518 4174

There are 1 reported complaint for phone number: 03 8518 4174. Add your complaint

Ana varga
Monday, May 20 2013 10:51 PM
Unsolicited callers. Unfortunately my office number (not a main company switch number) is listed in the phone book. These people think i am residential - even when i tell them they've called through to an office. Harrassing calls from this number and the likes 'collecting data' on income etc. They will not disclose who they are collecting information for when asked. At other times they've called to try to sell services (primarily financial) - again without disclosing whom they are selling for. Sound like telemarketers out of Bangalore. Annoyingly persistent and hard to get off the phone without having to resort to being rude. There are other similar services but this one i've noted several times.

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