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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8488 8242

There are 23 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8488 8242. Add your complaint

valerie Clifton
Wednesday, July 23 2014 11:18 PM
1. they do not identify themselves before asking for some one
2. they get very abrupt when told the person they are calling isn't available
3. they do not leave a explaination of why they called
4 or request the person to get in touch with them
5,they continue to ring up often when told the person is not available
Thursday, July 03 2014 12:24 AM
Im on the do not phone list and these people keep calling. "STOP CALLING I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU"
Kevin Heap
Wednesday, June 18 2014 02:56 AM
I get calls from this number 2 to 6 times a day, and I just refuse to answer them. Today, they rang 4 times in less than 10 minutes which is really annoying. It is obviously a call centre but a very irritating one with whom I would never deal. I believe that the company is called International Masters Publications
Wednesday, May 28 2014 12:40 AM
yes these people are annoying i just screamed down the phone to stop calling so far has worked they sometimes just do a couple of rings enough to get you up
Debra Brown
Monday, April 07 2014 04:10 AM
Everyday ringing 2-3 times so tired of it No message as they dont want to even leave a message how gutless. Are they making money via this method
Debra Brown
Friday, April 04 2014 07:39 AM
Please stop calling there is no money here I dont work I apply for jobs you are taking all my money by ringing you are creating bad bad karma look at the complaints. I know the mafia we are best friends!!
Friday, April 04 2014 02:23 AM
Harrassing phone calls that do not stop, even when asked politely.
Debra Brown
Monday, March 31 2014 03:38 AM
So sick of this number i am on prepaid I cant afford to call back living on zero money so please stop calling if you want to scam me you will get zilch as there is zero money in this house. Ring the higher class areas like Toorak and Langwarring. This is poor Hampton Park we are broke in this area pick your areas to scam
Monday, March 17 2014 09:37 PM
They call at least 4 times a day EVERYDAY!
How do you stop these bastards from calling?
Will calling the cops and reporting them help?
Thursday, March 13 2014 11:09 PM
Had a call from this number and asking to talk to my daughter, I asked what the matter is about and they said they can not disclose it, due to privacy, I may off been able to help them, being that my daughter is O/S for 2 years, so I blocked them anyway, you can do this on a iPhone real easy, after the call, go into "Recent" calls then into the info button of the number on the right of the screen, scroll down to the bottom of number info, and it says "Block this Caller" done it to few scam numbers, work well, and people I don't want to contact me.
Thursday, February 20 2014 02:02 AM
keep getting calls from this number telling me I owe money for an order I placed. I received a call last year asking for a credit card number, when I sadi I wasn't giving it to them they said they will send a package anyway then bill me later. I received 3 packages then I returned them, now I am told they didn't receive one of them and I owe for the third one. What a SCAM. don't answer this number.
Wednesday, February 19 2014 09:38 PM
I receive up to 6 calls a day from this number. I answer and they then hang up. You can not return calls to this number.
Thursday, February 13 2014 10:52 PM
I am so sick of getting calls from this number. Numerous times a day. Sometimes they only ring once and hang up or the just keep ringing. Starting to get real annoying with these people.
Wednesday, February 05 2014 10:01 PM
I keep getting these calls too from this number I dont answer as I dont know the number but wen u put ur ph on blocked number and try to ring it back the call ends straight away so im thinking the same guys gotta be a scam of some sort.
Tuesday, January 28 2014 01:39 AM
I am receiving this call 6 or more calls a day, I have told them to stop ringing as I am not interested. but they keep ringing. I am up to my head in this call and they are wanting my details. I refuse to give them that information
Wednesday, January 22 2014 09:47 PM
they keep phoning and dont leave a message, this phone isused for work
Friday, December 20 2013 10:05 AM
Another number calling me. Leave no message. I am not interested and am trying to block it.
Thursday, December 19 2013 02:22 AM
they are ringing me twice a day but no one answers even if I answer the phone
Monday, November 25 2013 01:47 AM
This number called me and i answered they wanted to send me some package for girls, i filled in my details exept my credit card. They said shipping for stuff was free, then all of a sudden i had to pay $9.99. THIS IS A SCAM!!
Is there a number i can call to get my number off the list.. please help.
Sunday, November 17 2013 11:15 PM
Apparently, if you get a call from this number, call customer service on 1300 303 114 and ask them to remove your number from their list. (Found a post on )
Wednesday, October 23 2013 10:56 PM
These people are horrible. They are harassing me with 1-2 calls a day after I have told them 3 times to leave me alone and that I am not interested and never will be. They call at really inconvenient times and like I already said, they are rude and pushy. Is it even legal what they do??
Jennifer Ward
Wednesday, September 11 2013 03:00 AM
sick to death of this number calling me up to 3 times a day. no one talks and its driving me mad
Thursday, September 05 2013 01:38 AM
Keep recieving missed calls from this number, but they don't leave a message.
Stop calling me.

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