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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8488 8241

There are 14 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8488 8241. Add your complaint

Tuesday, October 01 2013 10:22 PM
They are big scammers & Australian laws are the weakest in the world to dal with these scammers unfortunately. What a pity . Lucky country for all the criminals !! For sure.
Thursday, September 26 2013 05:00 AM
I got a call from an indian dude called Reggy (yeah right). he knows my name and home number but wanted to know if I have had or currently live in my suburb. When I asked where he was calling from he said that due to Australia's privacy laws he couldn't tell me. I yelled at him that as an Australian I am well aware of our privacy laws and I wouldn't answer him if he didn't answer me 1st. He refused again so I hung up. I tried calling back the number and I got a message to check the number and try again. Seems dodgy to me.
Elaine Grime
Wednesday, September 18 2013 02:47 AM
I get numerous calls per week from this number. They either hang up or a recorded message says goodbye" then they hang up. They have also said on occasions they are company called "PROBE" looking for my daughter about her old AGL account. We have repeatedly advised them that AGL assures us that the account is in nil balance but still they keep being a pest. I have advised them I will contact communications ombudsman and report them for trying to obtain money under false pretences. Is there nothing that can stop these pests
Elaine Grime
Wednesday, September 18 2013 02:43 AM
I get numerous calls per week from this number. They either hang up or a recorded message says goodbye" then they hang up
Monday, June 24 2013 10:14 PM
A call came through to my mobile from ths number. I didn't answer the call but called it back subsequently. A recorded voice said the number was disconnected.
Saturday, March 09 2013 09:09 PM
I keep getting phone calls from this number and they keep hanging up when I answer. When I try to call them back I can't. I got to speak to someone once and a lady named Helen asked me for my full name, date of birth & address before she could tell me what the call was about. I would really like to know who these people are.
Saturday, March 09 2013 02:26 AM
I just wish they would speak when I answer the phone!!
It is so annoying that I get a call from a 'disconnected' number
if anyone can provide and alternate contact number I would greatly appreciate it so that I can end this crap!
Saturday, March 09 2013 02:05 AM
I have recieved several calls this week.
but the call terminates as soon as I answer.
When I call back the number is disconnected.
Please help
Friday, March 08 2013 06:15 PM
Not sure if this will help anyone but i also had a missed call from the same number on the 9/3/2013 (Saturday Morning) @ 10am.
Tried calling the number and it was disco
Thursday, March 07 2013 11:36 PM
Ive been receiving calls claiming they were from probe. Asking for my credit card number, etc but when I tried to call back it said number disconnected...
Thursday, March 07 2013 08:20 PM
These same people have called me a number of times. I try and return the call and I get a message saying its been disconnected. Very annoying!!
Thursday, March 07 2013 05:56 PM
Get calls from this number every 3 days or so. Whenever I answer, the call gets disconnected. Cannot call the number back.
Wednesday, March 06 2013 01:03 AM
keeps on calling me, when I try to call the number back - it says disconnected, but yet I have recieved several calls after that.
0410 399 687
Friday, March 01 2013 06:30 PM
I recieved this phone call at about 9 45 am saturday the 2 of march from what they claimed to be PROBE investigations over an old AGL account for my electricity which had gone in default and which all payments had been collected from DUN & BRADSTREET they were asking for my birth date and last reciepts numbers i tried to call the number back to which i found was not connected. I had suspicions that it might of been a dodgy caller

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