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03 Area code / dialling code

Victoria, Tasmania

Complaints for phone number 03 8456 5212

There are 10 reported complaints for phone number: 03 8456 5212. Add your complaint

Tuesday, June 17 2014 01:27 AM
This number keeps calling my home phone, rings twice then hangs up and calls my mobile number. I don't pickup on callers I do not recognise so this one keeps calling.
I will just keep NOT answering and hopefully they will get the message. If they were legitimate they would leave a message on my answer phone.
Wednesday, May 28 2014 10:41 PM
This is a charity looking for money - and it's an automated dialler and they don't remove your details even after 5 requests.
Friday, May 23 2014 09:52 PM
Constantly rings mobile but only lets phone ring twice before hanging up


calling it back states I'm sorry all back again...
Tuesday, May 20 2014 01:33 AM
Receive daily call during office hours from this number for the past week. Hang up after I answer the phone. No voicemail.
Monday, May 19 2014 04:53 AM
keeps calling my number, i try to call back but never answers and has no voice mail.
S Dean
Monday, May 19 2014 04:43 AM
Another one of these crap callers phone but as usual nothing will get done by Telstra,at least they get charged as the machine answers the call now,best investment ever made.
Monday, May 19 2014 02:42 AM
Has called several times and hangs up when answered. My return calls are rejected
Monday, May 19 2014 01:26 AM
Constantly rings mobile but only lets phone ring twice before hanging up.Hangs up when returned call
Wednesday, May 07 2014 10:22 PM
Likewise, calls mobile and doesn't leave voicemail. Hangs up on return call.
Tuesday, April 08 2014 03:01 AM
Constantly rings mobile but only lets phone ring twice before hanging up.

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